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Every book sells better with good book reviews, but who do you know who will provide you a great review? Do you know anyone who has the clout to raise eyebrows and gain you the level of attention your book deserves?

Build Your Strategic Partner Network. There is nothing that a conscious entrepreneur loves more than a partner who is joint venture savvy. Not only will your cheap custom writing service invite you to joint venture with them in the future, but they’ll introduce you to other possible partners. And, you’ll also build friendships that go way beyond business.

Most authors are not boring. But do remember always that the attention span of the searcher is very short. There are millions of competitors and competing websites, just one single click away. You have just a few seconds to present YOUR brand, YOUR position and the primary reason why someone should buy YOUR book. A good book marketing strategy will deliver a powerful and compelling message in just a few seconds.

Instead, we all have skills we’re aware of, or which may be lying dormant inside us. The trick is to tease out your inherent expertise, without crushing your creativity in the process. Because becoming an expert demands that we unleash the creative side of our brains.

It’s not whether your work appears on the eviscerated remnants of a tree or on the electronic representation of a page that makes you a writer. It’s whether your words move and/or motivate. A novelist may move through the creation of characters and plots. A web writer may motivate to action by carefully chosen words.

Not everybody is a writer. In fact, very few people should be writers. You have other skills and talents, other passions. If writing isn’t one of them, that’s okay — you can have somebody else take care of that part of the equation for you.

Virtually all of the most successful writers in history were also avid readers. There are probably few exceptions to this rule, if any. Stephen King says in his autobiography, “On Writing”, that he dedicates a minimum of four hours every day to reading. That’s because reading gives you ideas, new perspectives, and constantly introduces you to different writing styles that you can incorporate into your own work. You don’t have to read for four hours per day, but try to find plenty of time for reading. It’ll pay off by improving your writing.

With that mission embedded upon my heart, I embarked upon my endeavor as a writer with a solid foundation, and it has proved to keep me grounded and focused.

Using too many different fonts. Choosing more than two fonts on a book cover can make your book look busy and confusing. Actually, I learned this lesson early. Because whenever I used too many fonts, the design would just look WRONG to me. Maybe, you can see that intuitively too. When you are developing your skill, stay with the rules. Use a combination of serif, fonts with the little feet on the letters, and sans serif, straight up and down fonts. For example, Goudy Old Style and Garamond are serif type fonts. Impact and Helvetica are sans serif fonts.

The down side is that employees would be needed for the online store, but not for the brick and mortar stores so much. This is why America should be competing for these types of services. Of course, jobs could be had my the hundreds of thousands if our politicians would finally get on the American public’s side and get going on producing natural gas, drilling for oil safely, engineering clean coal technology, having automobiles that run on natural gas. We could become energy self-sufficient. That alone would drive the price of fossil fuels down again.

When you become a writer, an important step is publishing your work. There is a lot of debate about self publishing versus using a publishing house. Before you make a decision, make sure you have all the facts. Self publishing might work for you if you have a lot of time and money to spend on marketing yourself. But if you don’t than don’t accept packages that you have to pay to get yourself published. Remember the goal is to be writing not marketing yourself.